The 2021 NFDI4BIOIMAGE community survey

In preparation of our work programme plans before submitting our proposal to become an NFDI consortium, we conducted the NFDI4BIOIMAGE community survey from June to July 2021. This survey helped us explore the research data management needs in bioimaging in Germany (& beyond).

The survey was run in collaboration with German BioImaging. You can review data privacy protection information here.

The results of the survey including all original data are available online:

Schmidt C, Hanne J, Moore J, Meesters C, Ferrando-May E, Weidtkamp-Peters S, and members of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE initiative: Research data management for bioimaging: The 2021 NFDI4BIOIMAGE community survey. [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2022, 11:638

Thank you to all participants of the survey.

Future surveys may be performed to evaluate the progress of bioimaging RDM.