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NFDI4BIOIMAGE - a consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure


NFDI4BIOIMAGE is a consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, NFDI) in Germany. A consortium comprises legally independent partner institutions working together with the goal to advance the capacity and the capability of researchers in Germany and beyond to professionally handle, store, annotate, share, and reuse research data. Our focus is on all steps of the research data life cycle for microscopy and bioimage analysis. The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) since March 2023.

To learn more about the consortium, explore the About Us pages. Review our Community Integration concepts and the Resources and Services for more details. Find us on Socal Media.

What is the NFDI?

Germany's National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI is an infrastructure framework funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Länder. Orchestrated by the German Research Foundation DFG, the NFDI comprises a network of collaborating consortia that has been forming since 2019. There are 26 discipline-oriented consortia and a cross-consortium project for basic services (Base4NFDI). The consortia have a legal status as non-independent collaboration projects. Moreover, the NFDI e.V. exists as a non-profit association since 2020. The NFDI directorate is located in Karlsruhe, director of the NFDI is Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter. For further information, please visit nfdi.de.

Current news

Screenshot der GBM Compact Symposium Webseite

NFDI4BIOIMAGE and I3D:bio at the GBM Compact Symposium 2024

The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium and the I3D:bio project will jointly offer a 1-hour workshop on research data management for bioimaging at this year's GBM Compact Symposium on Sept. 26th and 27th in Frankfurt.

Join us and register for the GBM Compact Sympsoium through the GBM website.

Read more


The NFDI4BIOIMAGE project is a collaboration of co-applicant institutions and participating institution. NFDI4BIOIMAGE is legally non-independent and does not engage in any external legal transactions. Within the framework of the collaboration, the project partners each work on subtasks of the project in their own name.