What is a Community Use Case (CUC)?
Consortia of the National Research Data Infrastructure represent communities of interest with respect to research data management. As such, NFDI4BIOIMAGE intends to represent and support the bioimaging and bioimage analysis community in Germany. Our work programme goals are designed to meet the community needs and deliver research data management solutions for the everyday practice.
To fulfill our role in working bottom-up from the community for the community, we seek to integrate interested community stakeholders into the consortium's work as much as possible. By formulating "Community Use Cases", there is opportunity to include community stakeholders who did not have a chance to participate in the consortium project as an NFDI4BIOIMAGE member formally.
A Community Use Case (CUC) partner collaborates closely with members of the consortium
- by testing the consortium's tools and solutions or
- by contributing an own solution to be integrated with the deliverables of NFDI4BIOIMAGE
Do Community Use Cases receive funding from the NFDI budget?
CUCs do not receive direct funding. NFDI4BIOMAGE can allocate person hour time to support the use case goal.
What is the formal basis of a Community Use Case?
CUCs are integrated into the conortium by a decision from the consortium's Steering Board. The collaboration is based on a collaboration agreement with project goals to the mutual benefit.
Who can become a Community Use Case?
Any person or institution within the scientific area of bioimaging, be it from IT, from core facilities, from research laboratories, or from RDM teams, etc.
How to become a Community Use Case?
CUCs typically develop from collaboration requests on specific topics (communicated via the Project Office), or they are identified from Help Desk requests by the Data Stewardship team. In agreement with the community stakeholders, partner may be integrated into the consortium by formal agreement to become a CUC.