NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium members
The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium is a bottom-up project from the communtiy for the community. All our activities are dedicated to improving the capabilities and the capacity for bioimaging research data management in the scientific community. Within the formal frame of the DFG-funded project, however, there are discrete roles with associated responsibilities that render a research institution or a person a "member" of the consortium.
Applicant Institution
The Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) is the main institution responsible for the NFDI4BIOIMAGE project at large. The consortium's budget is administrated at HHU and transferred to other member institutions based on a Fund Transfer and Collaboration Agreement. The HHU's responsible scientist for the consortium, Prof. Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Head of the Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi) at HHU, acts as the Spokesperson of NFDI4BIOIMAGE.
Co-Applicant Institutions
All Co-Applicants share the main responsibilities for the work programme by leading one or more task areas in the work programme. The scientists leading a Task Area have the role as co-spokespersons of the consortium and responsibly represent their institutional contribution within NFDI4BIOIMAGE. Co-Applicant institutions receive funding from the consortium's budget.
Participating Institutions
Several partners contribute to the measures within our Task Areas on a sustained basis without a formal responsibility for the whole Task Area. Each Participating Institution has a responsible project leader who represents the institution's contribution to NFDI4BIOIMAGE. Participating Institutions can receive funding from the consortium's budget.
Besides consortium members, we include consortium partners in our work. Consortium partners are either international partner projects and initiatives (for example, Euro-BioImaging ERIC, or the BioImage Archive Team at EMBL-EBI), or Community-Use-Cases (CUC), i.e., interested stakeholders in the bioimaging community who apply and test the consortium's deliverables and help to iteratively refine. The collaboration is based on mutually benefitial partnership. Partners do not receive funding from the consortium's budget but are eligible for the allocation of person-hours to help achieve the collaborative goals.