The consortium's work is divided into six Task Areas (TAs).

Four technical TAs focus on the development of bioimaging data management solutions for the community.
Two organizational TAs focus on the integration of the bioimaging community, providing training and networking, and take over organizational and administrative tasks to fullfil the project goals.

Task Area 1: Image (Meta)data Formats and Standardization
Lead: Dr. Susanne Kunis (University of Osnabrück) and Josh Moore (GerBI-GMB, executive co-spokesperson on behalf of S. Weidtkamp-Peters)

Task Area 2: Technical Infrastructure and Cloud Resources
Lead: Dr. Björn Grüning (University of Freiburg) and Dr. Markus Blank-Burian (WWU Münster)

Task Area 3: Multimodal Data Linking and Integration
Lead: Dr. Jan-Philipp Mallm (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ) and Torsten Stöter (LIN Magdeburg, executive co-spokesperson on behalf of W. Zuschratter)

Task Area 4: Bioimage Informatics and Analysis
Lead: Dr. Anna Kreshuk and Dr. Christian Tischer (EMBL Heidelberg) and Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge (HKI Jena)

Task Area 5: Training and Community Integration
Lead: Dr. Thomas Zobel (WWU Münster) and Dr. Robert Haase (University of Leipzig, formerly TU Dresden)

Task Area 6: Coordination, Governance and Networking
Lead: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Speaker of the Consortium (HHU Düsseldorf) and Prof. Dr. Elisa May, Co-Speaker of the Consortium (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, and co-affiliated with University of Konstanz)