The consortium NFDI4BIOIMAGE

The NFDI4BIOIMAGE consortium was brought to life by members of German BioImaging - Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse (GerBI-GMB) together with partners from the Leibniz Research Alliance Health Technologies (Medical Photonics).
As a consortium within Germany's National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, NFDI), NFDI4BIOIMAGE is collaborative project of 23 partner institutions:

  • Eleven so-called (Co-)Applicants are the partner institutions with the main responsibility for the consortium's project goals.
  • Twelve Participating Institutions contribute to the project on a sustained basis by working on specific tasks and developments within the consortiums Task Areas

NFDI4BIOIMAGE comprises a collaboration of legally independent partners. The consortium does not act autonmously towards third parties. All members of the project represent the contributions of their respective affiliated institutions who work together in the course of the project.

Applicant Institution

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Spokesperson: Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi)

Co-Applicant institutions

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg

Co-spokesperson: Jan-Philipp Mallm, Head of Single-cell Open Lab

Co-spokesperson: Elisa May, CETO (co-affiliation with Uni Konstanz)

University of Konstanz

Co-spokesperson: Elisa May (co-affiliation with DKFZ Heidelberg)

Osnabrück University

Co-spokesperson: Susanne Kunis, Integrated Bioimaging (iBiOs) at Center of Cellular Nanoanalytics (CellNanOs)

European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg

Co-spokesperson: Anna Kreshuk, Research Unit Cell Biology and Biophysics, Machine Learning for Bioimage Analysis

Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Co-spokesperson: Werner Zuschratter, Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility
Exec. Co-spokesperson: Torsten Stöter, Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans Knöll Institute, Jena

Co-spokesperson: Marc Thilo Figge, Applied Systems Biology, Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse

Technical Unversity Dresden

Co-spokesperson: Robert Haase, Bio-image analysis, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life

German BioImaging - Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse

Co-spokesperson: Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Chair of Board
Exec. Co-spokesperson: Josh Moore

University of Münster

Co-spokesperson: Thomas Zobel, Imaging Network

Co-spokesperson: Markus Blank-Burian, WWU-IT

University of Freiburg

Co-Spokesperson: Björn Grüning, Head of Freiburg Galaxy Team