Icon Training Talk

Digital Kitchen Talk by SaxFDM with Robert Haase

On March 14th, at 1 p.m., Robert Haase (TA5 lead in NFDI4BIOIMAGE) will speak about "Cultivating Open Training" as part of his activities in NFDI4BIOIMAGE and at the Scads.AI at University of Leipzig. The event is free of charge and takes place online: https://saxfdm.de/veranstaltungen/digital-kitchen-nfdi4bioimage-scads-ai/

On March 14th, at 1 p.m., Robert Haase (TA5 lead in NFDI4BIOIMAGE) will speak about "Cultivating Open Training" as part of his activities in NFDI4BIOIMAGE and at the Scads.AI at University of Leipzig. The event is free of charge and takes place online: https://saxfdm.de/veranstaltungen/digital-kitchen-nfdi4bioimage-scads-ai/


The slideshow presented during this event is available online:
Haase, R. (2024, März 14). Cultivating Open Training. SaxFDM Digital Kitchen. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10816895